Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Humans suck! (No offense)

I really don't understand why some people are so inconsiderate. Or maybe they just don't have a heart. I mean I know I am inconsiderate and could care less about the people around me because I know I am not human thus being incapable of having emotions to even consider the feelings of others, but at least I don't go around showing satisfaction in the pain and/or suffering of others. 

This of course is centered on Facebook's "Like" feature. Don't get me wrong, I am not attacking Facebook. Facebook is awesome. Its the people that press the "Like" button that I am ranting about (without any such emotion escaping from my bio-metrically designed facial features.)

So, todays list is:


1. "I feel sick. My insides are churning and I think I am going to throw up." 

2. "I just failed my exam and now I am not graduating. :'("

3. "My finger got caught when the door slammed shut. Now its black and blue."

4. "I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with my best friend."

5. "I was held up by a man in a mask. He took my wallet, laptop and cellphone, kicked me in the nuts and called me a loser who like kittens."

6. "My friend passed away... I am gonna miss her..."

7. "I don't have anywhere to live anymore because I couldn't pay me rent. So here I am at the mall using the free computers at the coffee shop to update my status."

8. "I broke my iPod. It fell into the toilet."

9. "I just found out I have 3 weeks to live."

10. "I have a massive hangover because I drank so much white wine last night. I ran around the mall like a crazy man, I made out with random strangers and I chucked up everything I ate. I totally humiliated myself last night!"

I must let you know that none of these status messages are real. I just made them up and exaggerated them beyond belief. I repeat. None of them are real! Most especially number 10! Hahaha! They may have been based on real events though. But don't put to much thought into it. Alright?

So that is my Ben's Daily 10. Random useless fact and fictions served daily right here!

*End note: If you are going to try and shoot me down saying that me stating that I have no emotions yet I lash out in anger and disgust is totally hypocrisy... Don't. Because I am merely pretending to have emotions so that people don't start a witch hunt to find and kill super superior beings like me. Another useless end note... 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting Into the Zone!

So here I am, in front of my office computer busting my brain, trying to think of todays Ben's (every other) Daily 10. I am currently sick with a cough and cold. Got wet from the rain in my previous post and now I am sick in this one... so my brain is a bit mushed. 

Anyway, Danee, Mitch and I were talking about our article deadlines when Mitch gave me the idea for my next list. It took Mitch 10 hours to get into the zone. It took me 4 episodes of the Big Bang theory, an hour and something minutes of The Sister Act and about 7 trips to the refrigerator just to realize each time that there wasn't any food to eat, before I got into the zone. And Danee just waits for it. hahaha... (I laugh as I type that because I had to ask Danee what she does to get into the zone... Guess what she said... "Oh, you have to wait for it.")

So my list for today is:


1. They very typical and overly common: Social Networking Sites. Facebook and Yahoo! Messenger (though YM isn't really a site but rather a application.) I chat with people; I browse other peoples sites; and I comment on other peoples post (which most often are never noticed because I believe I am considered insignificant until needed. Well to all you people who never notice me, wait 'til I am famous and lets see who is considered insignificant then! *EVIL LAUGH!*)

2. Watch TV. TV passes the time -- I mean, it promotes creative thinking helping me get into the zone. Something small like a music video or a movie could spark the next idea needed for that amazing poster, or that awesome article. But come to think of it, I haven't watched TV for the past few days now. No wonder I have been stuck!

3. When there is nothing on TV, I resort to the next best thing -- DVD's! (FYI to certain people, I only buy original DVD's. I don't believe in buying pirated DVD's. Pirated DVD's shouldn't be bought. They should be borrowed, copied and returned. Hahaha... Just joking... Or am I? Hahaha.) Anyway, This works most especially when you are looking for a specific inspiration to jump start your creativity, because you can select something to watch which might be in line with what you are working on... Like for example, I have been working on this Motown Project for the last few days, so I watched Sister Act (not sure if all the music in Sister Act could be considered Motown, but the singing got me into the mood.)

4. Reading a Magazine. (I actually don't read magazines that much but rather look at the pictures) This is particularly helpful when I get stuck with a layout I am doing for the magazine I work at. It helps to get fresh ideas from other sources and trying to adapt them to what you are currently working on. Don't get me wrong. I don't copy, I just take the idea and adjust it to work with my own style. I usually read a magazine when I am on my "throne..." When I am dropping the kids off at the pool; laying an egg; laying down some cable; pushing one out; when the turtles head is out... (most of those came from my every creative seat mate, Danee... Thanks Dan!)

5. Another throne moment, reading a Book. Now this time, I actually do read it. Helpful when trying to write articles because it teaches you how to describe things better in a very interesting and creative way. 

6. Reading/Looking at comic books, This one can contribute to the creative process, like writing or drawing, but I primarily read comics because they are awesome. Yes, I am a comic geek which can rival even the characters on The Big Bang Theory. I know almost everything about the Marvel and DC universe... Well, maybe not the most recent stuff because its been awhile since I bought comics, but the old stuff I know. My dad passed down his collection of comics to me, and I read them all the time. First edition of the original X-Men... I got it! Yeah! (Nerd!!!!)

7. Playing video games. Video games are just fun stress relievers because they take your mind off of the fact that its already 1am on a Tuesday morning and that your deadline was three days ago. You put all your concentration and effort into getting that Alchemist and Priest to level 99; Trying to kill those stupid brain eating zombies using  plants that spit out peas; or trying to kill those stupid pigs using angry birds. I really hate those pigs. I hate the fact that they smile and mock me when I am unable to *POOF!* them into nothingness.

8. Drawing. When I hit a brain block and need to get into the zone, I draw. This usually ends up with me drawing something incomplete because I don't like how the eyes fit with the nose, or how the mouth doesn't set well with the eyes. or I draw an awesome hand, but can't find a body to connect to it. If you went to my house and ventured into my room, you would probably find a forest of incomplete drawings (forest in the sense that there are so many, and probably because I wasted so much paper which came from trees which probably made up a forest at one moment in time.)

9. I walk around, most often looking for something else to do (which usually leads me to the refrigerator multiple times with the same out come of me looking into the refrigerator, realizing there is nothing there worth eating and then walking around again until I find myself in front of the refrigerator restarting the cycle.) I am pretty sure other people do that, it is not just me. I am not alone. Don't act all superior! You do it too! I am sure of that! I wonder why we never learn though... Hmmm...

10. Last one on my list is talking or texting other people. By getting the insight of other people, it helps your mind see the situation from a different perspective and helps move the mind along with its creative process.  Living proof that talking to others helps you get into the zone is this entire blog. I wouldn't have been able to get into the zone to write this blog if Danee, Mitch and I didn't talk about how to get into the zone in the first place! I love it how the last item on this list fits perfectly with the introduction! 

So thats my Ben's (every other) Daily 10 list for today! Hope you are in the zone to read it.

*End note: I think there might actually be some other things that I do to procrastinate -- I mean to get into the zone... But I can't really think of them at the moment. Good thing too... because then it wouldn't be a Ben's 10 anymore, but rather a Ben's 12 or Ben's 15. I don't know. Whatever... This was a totally useless end note... 

*2nd End Note: In addition, I am very good at procrastinating... It's just a good thing that I am also awesome at cramming! Its like college all over again! hahaha! Thesis paper: Started and finished in one day! Studying: started 10 minutes before the exam! The look of my friends face when they see I got a high grade: Priceless!

*3rd End Note: I still haven't come up with a catch phrase... I am not "in the zone" for that just yet!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Being Drunk Is An After Thought...

The other day, I went to an event for the magazine I work for with my officemate, Mitch, and my best friend, Miguel (though, for the night, he was named Paolo for gate crashing purposes.)  

So, we are there at the event. Open bar, white wine. One thing led to another and come 1am, I was in my bed crying my eyes out. 

But wait. I am getting ahead of myself. The part that I am sure you would want to know about would have to be the events the led up to my sudden break down.

Lets begin with white wine. First time I tried white wine was that dreadful night. It tastes good for a wine, especially when chilled. Goes straight down -- no bad after taste. That was where it got me. I could keep drinking it without that dreadful taste hindering me from drinking the next glass. A true traitor drink if I have ever tasted one.

Now I would like to take this moment to say thank you to the following sponsors: 
Thanks to Mitch for telling me (the day after) that you shouldn't down white wine. Though late, the intentions were true. 
Thanks to the waiter who would refill my glass the exact moment that it would be emptied. You are truly worth ever cent.
Thanks to me for asking for more white wine! (I truly think, that what ever crap we get ourselves into was ultimately caused by the choices we made. No one to blame but myself here!)

4 glasses in, Mitch and Miguel were debating on the fact that I have ultimately no experience whatsoever in regards to sex. This is some what how the dialogue went:

Miguel: "Dude! He needs to get laid because he needs experience for when he meets "The One!" I am sure girls would rather have a guy who knows how to do it, rather than a guy who doesn't even know where to stick it!"
Me: "Hey! I am right here!"

5th glass of wine.

Mitch: "Well, to tell you the truth, girls would rather have a guy who doesn't have any ex's. I mean look at my relationship! The only thing my boyfriend and I fight about are his ex's. Other than that! We are perfect!"
Miguel: "But girls don't go for Mr. Perfect, they go for Mr. Right! Mr. Perfect would just intimidate girls." 

6th glass (which coincidentally was Miguel's glass).

Mitch: "You're such a donkey! Ben is a "Unicorn!" A Unicorn among all the other donkeys. He is a mythical creature and you're trying to corrupt him."
Ben: "I'm a what???" 
Miguel: "I just need him to get a girlfriend and get laid so that I can get the 500 bucks I bet on him."
Ben: "Waiter! Another glass of wine!"

7th glass of wine:

Mitch: "Well I believe he should wait until he is in love!"
Miguel: "Just hook him up so I can win!"
Ben: "Thanks guys for discussing this as if I am not even here."

After that, we walked with Mitch to meet up with her boyfriend. After making sure Mitch was in the safe embrace of her boyfriend, Miguel and I met up with his girlfriend, Paola who was now named Michelle (again, for gate crashing purposes.)

3 more glasses of white wine and a Vodka Sprite later, I was explaining to three foreign Brits about a new technology. But in reality, I actually had no idea what I was talking about. I said stuff like "Oh yeah, this is the latest technology. It senses your movements and touch. Unfortunately, the tracking is a bit off, but we are trying to fix it." As if I actually know what I was talking about right?? hahaha

At that moment in time, the alcohol caught up with me and I can officially say I was drunk. I know this because  there was a gap in my memory, and somehow we managed to get to the 3rd floor of the mall and meet up with our other friends. I can't remember what exactly I was saying, but I wouldn't shut up and for some reason, everyone was slanted. (but in reality I was actually falling to my left because I couldn't keep balance.) I was also running around because I remember Miguel chasing after me and shouting my name then the sudden pull on my shirt to stop me. There were a few drunk calls somewhere in there as well. 

A few more memory gaps later, I found my self in Bicutan (thats like an hours drive away from where I was originally) puking my insides out into a toilet with Miguel in the background asking if I am okay while he was taking pictures of me barfing. (Thank goodness he used my camera. Incriminating photos: Erased!)

Another memory gap later, I was on the side of the street crying my eyes out. I was literally having a break down on the side of the street. I wouldn't stop crying. My friends were next to me asking me, what is wrong and why was I crying? I think I might of actually told someone what was bothering me which of course was a secret of mine that was never suppose to be exposed. Its a good thing though that I can trust my friend, who shall not be named. If I told someone else... Oops! 

One more memory gap, and I outside my house with Miguel behind me. He walked me up the stairs into my room where my mother and sister were hanging out because my room has my computer. (Awkward moment right there. But my drunk self could care less! I just went straight to bed.) 

While in bed though, I was still crying my eyes out, and Miguel was dumbfounded by my sudden breakdown. He couldn't explain it to my mum. I remember crying and saying "Sorry!" over and over again. After that, I just fell asleep.

The following day, I had the worst hang over I have ever had! My new best friend was my toilet bowl. 

So after that very long narrative of my boring drunk life, here is my Ben's 10 List:


1. Obviously number one would have to be getting drunk! Mitch and I believe being drunk is an after thought. You can never really tell if you are drunk until the next day. I mean people could say that you were drunk while you are still drinking, but you can't really say you are drunk until after the fact. So being drunk is totally an after thought.

2. Drunk talking. I become very talkative about random nonsense when I get drunk. I even start talking in a awesome British accent. Or maybe I just think its awesome when I am drunk. For all I know I could be talking with a slur. hahaha

3. Next to drunk talking would be drunk confessions. I am an expert liar. I can make anyone believe what I am saying is true. But when I am drunk, that is when the truth comes out. This happened in the previous story with a friend in regards to my break down. Yikes!

4. Drunk texting and drunk phone calls. Me being drunk with my cell phone is not a good idea. Good thing Miguel had my phone for most of the night. When I have my phone and I am drunk, I will text anyone and everyone saved in my phone's contacts regarding random useless things like "Where ase you?" or "I'm drunkzzz" or "Hey! Guess what I m? Drunkzzz" (Yes I actually text that way when I am drunk... 85% of the time, my spelling is spot on when I am drunk. Sometimes though, my finger gets heavy, it types a letter one to many times or I miss a button.) Drunk phone calls I can never really confirm what I would say, unlike texts where I can look up my sent items, but according to my officemate, Danee, I called her and said I drank 9 bottles of wine, vodka sprite and a whole lot of slurring.

5. Incriminating photos. Photos of me making funny faces; Of making out with people I shouldn't be making out with; Of doing things I wouldn't normally do; Of barfing up my insides while apologizing to my friends. Its a good thing that I am most often the photographer giving me full control of what is leaked and what isn't. Hahaha

6. The mocking that follows the leakage of incriminating photos that were unaccounted for. Though I do try to make sure I don't get caught doing something I shouldn't, every now and then, a photo gets past me, and I find it on some social networking site like Multiply or Facebook. Cue mocking from friends and officemates for 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes for the rest of my life. hahaha

7. The memory gaps. I like knowing things. I like knowing what happens to me. But for some reason alcohol has a way of wiping my memory banks clean. If anything does get past the memory wipe, they are just hazy blurs  that don't really make sense. It doesn't help if my friends tell me that I did something that I know I didn't do... or at least I am pretty sure that I didn't... I mean I wouldn't... I couldn't... Impossible. Thats not me...

8. The temporary loss of taste. After I get drunk, of course I want to eat something to fill in the food that I barfed up. But it doesn't really make it that much fun when I can't taste anything. Or if I do taste something, it just makes me want to barf some more. 

9. The hangover symptoms. This includes headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dysphoria and thirst. I remember spending the whole day after my drunken night putting all my effort into not throwing up. Gross!

10. This last reason is mainly a perceptive reason. I don't want people to think I am a drunk. And I don't want people to take advantage of me when I am drunk. Not cool in anyway at all. So I try to avoid getting drunk. Now tipsy... I can live with that... hahaha...

*End note: Notice the list is entitled "10 Reasons Why I Don't Want to Drink Again." Emphasis on the Don't Want. Just because I said I don't want to, doesn't mean I wont drink again. Hahaha. Trust me though. I am only a social drinker. I am not an alcoholic. I don't drink to solve my problems. (Well maybe this one time, it was to solve a problem, which it sort of did in its own way...)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Premature Evacuation!

To those who are constantly updated with the content of this blog (a.k.a. me) I apologize for not being able to create a Ben's Daily 10 list yesterday. I was swamped at work and I still can't feel my pointer finger on my right hand. 

Anyway, I have a new list today. Every night I set my alarm... Or rather alarms... I have five, seriously. I used to only survive on one, but as with all human beings, I analyze, I learn and I adapt. I have to constantly come up with new ways for me to get up early because after awhile, I learn how to turn off the alarms so quickly that I can be back in bed five seconds after clicking that snooze button. So one alarm wont cut it. Five alarms... now thats annoying in the morning! Just the way I like it. (But even that wont work for me because I am a very, very fast learner.)

So here is my Daily 10:


1. I started with the usual, mom alarm. She would wake me up, and I would pretend to be getting up. But the moment that she walks out of the room, I would be back in bed, being waken up about an hour later with the words "Get up! Get up! You're late! You're late!" going over and over again in my head. But after awhile that alarm "broke down" for the following reason:
Me: "Mom, can you wake me up early?"
Mom: "What time do you need to wake up?"
Me: "4am! I have to be at school by 7am."
Mom: "But you never get up when I wake you up."
 Me: Well that is why you have to wake me up 3 hours before the time I have to be where I need to be. One hour of lying in bed, another hour for getting dressed and another for travel time."

She got me an alarm clock after that.

2. Standard alarm clock. The typical alarm bell clock that rings annoyingly until you turn it off. It is so annoying that when I sleep through it, other people have to come into my room and wake me up. Thus, returning us back to number one of this list.

3. Two alarm clocks. Double the noise made, making sure that I get up! No need for my mom to come in anymore after that. But after a couple of week, I developed muscle memory and my hand would instantly find the snooze button and turn off the alarm. Thus bringing us to number 4. 

4. Two alarms placed five feet away from my bed on my computer table. This allowed me to be sure that I would wake up because I would have to get up out of bed and walk to my computer table to turn off two alarms. This lasted for about a month before I figured out how to turn it off instantly.  

5. Two alarms placed five feet away from my bed with one of them timed to go off five minutes after the first one, making it a must for me to get up again with not enough time to get comfortable again in my bed. But eventually, I would just turn off both during the first ringing.

6. This is where two more alarms get added on. So now I have four. Two which are noisy bells still timed to go off one after another, and two cell phone alarms placed right next to my head which sound like people talking, saying "SOOKIE!" and a rooster cock-a-doodling (I honestly can't remember what that is called) hahaha. The reason of choice for these alarm tones are for the following. When I hear someone whispering into my ear, it makes my mind wonder what they are talking about, making me wake up and figure out what is being said. The rooster is just to annoy me, which was funny, because the first time I used it, I thought that there was a rooster cock-a-doodling (still haven't figured out the right term) out side my window, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Then it kept getting louder and louder and the eventually I thought to myself: "Why is this rooster so consistent and perfectly timed with its spacing between his cock-a-doodling?" But of course. I got used to this and turned them off as easily as I set them.

7. Now with four alarms and my ability to adapt, I had to come up with a new way of waking myself up every morning. Still the cell phones are next to my head but the two bell alarms are placed in strategic locations throughout my room that are not easily accessible, like behind my computer monitor, underneath my bed or behind a cabinet. This one lasted me longer than any other alarm idea, because I could never really memorize the location of the alarms. Well, actually, I am truly amazing, so yea, after awhile, my brain memorized all areas of my room and I could turn it off easily.

8. This one lasted for quite awhile for that time that I was addicted to Ragnarok online. I would leave my Bot program on (and yes I know that it is frowned upon to use bots in Ragnarok, but hey, if you don't get caught, its not a crime right?) So, by leaving it on mixed in with my alarms, my mind would instantly go into thinking mood and would check on the updates of my bot. Since the bot is all programing codes and words that you need to read to interpret, this would get me up instantly...But unfortunately, I would still be late because I would put all my attention into the bot and forget about getting ready. This strategy ended when I got fed up with Ragnarok, because it takes Hella long to level up to level 99. Stupid game (which I will probably play again soon.)

9. New addiction to my alarm line up. The iPod touch. This one has an annoying alarm that you can only turn off by sliding that bar thingie. Touch screen makes it hard to figure out where the bar is so I actually have to open my eyes to turn it off. That helps. hahaha.

10. The last and newest addiction to my ways of waking up in the morning is absolute genius. I used it this morning because I had to go take pictures of an interview early this morning with my awesome officemate, Mitch. So I took all the ideas and strategies I used above and added a new way of making it harder for me to turn off the alarms easily. 

Tape! One piece of Tape! That is all I need. (Well two actually since I have two annoying bell alarms.)

I put tape of the the snooze switches making it harder for me to turn off! My mind wonders what is on the switch. When I realizes what it is, I try to figure out how to take it off. By the time I get it off, I have been standing there with my brain working long enough for me to realize that I have to get my ass moving. Genius! Pure genius! Hahaha.

So that is my daily 10 list for today. Until tomorrow, this is Ben counting to Ten. (I need to think of a catchy catch phrase.)

*End note: regarding the title of the post. I got off the bus way to early this morning that I had to walk four blocks to the location of the interview. I got confused. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The First 10 Things...

Daily 10? Why Daily 10? Why a blog? Why am I asking? Well to start of this awesome blog that will ultimately make me Effin' Famous, the first 10 things I am going to list here would be the 10 reasons for making this blog. This is the 3rd blogsite I made within the past 5 days, but I think I am keeping this one. It's so cute! XD


1. Apparently people get famous for having blogs, and one of my goals in life is to be famous. (Why you may ask... because being famous is awesome!)

2. I made a couple of other blogs but the names just didn't sit well with me. "Bentriloquist?" "Now & Ben?" WTF is that? LOL! (But deep in my heart, I will always love those blogs--though they have nothing in them except for the stupid title names. Why? It's so cute!) So I made this because I was very picky regarding names! It had to be epic! Meaningful! Ultimate ecstasy!

3. According to always-in-the-front-of-the-class-with-her-hand-up-because-she-knows-the-answer-and-it-makes-you-want-to-throw-paper-balls-at-the-back-of-her-head Officemate Danee, having a blog helps develop your writing skills. (Don't get me wrong, Danee is awesome! She is the walking Google site that always tells you to Google your question! LOL! P.S.: Feel free to edit my grammar and spelling Dan, I know you want to! "Dangling participle!")

4. Apparently to follow another Blogspot blog (like Danee and Chad's, you have to have a Blogspot yourself. So I made one just so that I could follow others... (Look closely, I am one step closer to being famous... I am following MYSELF!)

5. It serves as a perfect outlet to blog about the weird, funny and wacky (how the hell do you spell wacky? Danee???) So I was correct (according to Danee!) LOL!

6. Some people actually get paid to blog. Maybe if I get enough traffic and become an online celebrity, I could get paid to write about stuff! Show me the Benjamins dude! (Yet another blog name I wanted, yet couldn't get, because of my very, very un-unique (not a real word) name. Props to my officemates Danee and Mitch for thinking of that name, though it can't be used.)

7. Why 10? Why not three? or five? Dude... The name is Ben. It rhymes with 10! Absolutely well thought out! I am a genius! I should get a Nobel prize for that! (BTW, what is a Nobel prize?)

8. I am so hungry right now that the 8th reason is totally absent from my mind at the moment... When is lunch? Why haven't I eaten yet? I am losing weight as I am typing! Wait! Thats a good thing! Aha! 8th reason is because I have random thought that need to be listed! My hunger has helped me! LOL!

9. Its the year 2010! Why not make it the Ben's Daily 10 in Twenty-10! Awesome connection, if I do say so myself! 

10. Final and last reason for making this blog, and it busted my brain just to get this far down the list (I am now thinking I should have made it Ben's Top 3), making a Top 10 list is easy as algebra! Or cupcakes! Or Photoshop! (not like spelling, pie or paint! I hate paint! I don't see why they made that... Photoshop is so much easier to use!)

And that concludes my very first Daily Top 10 list! (Do I really have to make this daily? Can't I do it like weekly, monthly or when I just feel like it? I am hungry... Food... Where are you?)

*End note: I could use this list and come up with 10 more... Topics: Easy! The list itself: Hard!