So, we are there at the event. Open bar, white wine. One thing led to another and come 1am, I was in my bed crying my eyes out.
But wait. I am getting ahead of myself. The part that I am sure you would want to know about would have to be the events the led up to my sudden break down.
Lets begin with white wine. First time I tried white wine was that dreadful night. It tastes good for a wine, especially when chilled. Goes straight down -- no bad after taste. That was where it got me. I could keep drinking it without that dreadful taste hindering me from drinking the next glass. A true traitor drink if I have ever tasted one.
Now I would like to take this moment to say thank you to the following sponsors:
Thanks to Mitch for telling me (the day after) that you shouldn't down white wine. Though late, the intentions were true.
Thanks to the waiter who would refill my glass the exact moment that it would be emptied. You are truly worth ever cent.
Thanks to me for asking for more white wine! (I truly think, that what ever crap we get ourselves into was ultimately caused by the choices we made. No one to blame but myself here!)
4 glasses in, Mitch and Miguel were debating on the fact that I have ultimately no experience whatsoever in regards to sex. This is some what how the dialogue went:
Miguel: "Dude! He needs to get laid because he needs experience for when he meets "The One!" I am sure girls would rather have a guy who knows how to do it, rather than a guy who doesn't even know where to stick it!"
Me: "Hey! I am right here!"
5th glass of wine.
Mitch: "Well, to tell you the truth, girls would rather have a guy who doesn't have any ex's. I mean look at my relationship! The only thing my boyfriend and I fight about are his ex's. Other than that! We are perfect!"
Miguel: "But girls don't go for Mr. Perfect, they go for Mr. Right! Mr. Perfect would just intimidate girls."
6th glass (which coincidentally was Miguel's glass).
Mitch: "You're such a donkey! Ben is a "Unicorn!" A Unicorn among all the other donkeys. He is a mythical creature and you're trying to corrupt him."
Ben: "I'm a what???"
Miguel: "I just need him to get a girlfriend and get laid so that I can get the 500 bucks I bet on him."
Ben: "Waiter! Another glass of wine!"
7th glass of wine:
Mitch: "Well I believe he should wait until he is in love!"
Miguel: "Just hook him up so I can win!"
Ben: "Thanks guys for discussing this as if I am not even here."
After that, we walked with Mitch to meet up with her boyfriend. After making sure Mitch was in the safe embrace of her boyfriend, Miguel and I met up with his girlfriend, Paola who was now named Michelle (again, for gate crashing purposes.)
3 more glasses of white wine and a Vodka Sprite later, I was explaining to three foreign Brits about a new technology. But in reality, I actually had no idea what I was talking about. I said stuff like "Oh yeah, this is the latest technology. It senses your movements and touch. Unfortunately, the tracking is a bit off, but we are trying to fix it." As if I actually know what I was talking about right?? hahaha
At that moment in time, the alcohol caught up with me and I can officially say I was drunk. I know this because there was a gap in my memory, and somehow we managed to get to the 3rd floor of the mall and meet up with our other friends. I can't remember what exactly I was saying, but I wouldn't shut up and for some reason, everyone was slanted. (but in reality I was actually falling to my left because I couldn't keep balance.) I was also running around because I remember Miguel chasing after me and shouting my name then the sudden pull on my shirt to stop me. There were a few drunk calls somewhere in there as well.
A few more memory gaps later, I found my self in Bicutan (thats like an hours drive away from where I was originally) puking my insides out into a toilet with Miguel in the background asking if I am okay while he was taking pictures of me barfing. (Thank goodness he used my camera. Incriminating photos: Erased!)
Another memory gap later, I was on the side of the street crying my eyes out. I was literally having a break down on the side of the street. I wouldn't stop crying. My friends were next to me asking me, what is wrong and why was I crying? I think I might of actually told someone what was bothering me which of course was a secret of mine that was never suppose to be exposed. Its a good thing though that I can trust my friend, who shall not be named. If I told someone else... Oops!
One more memory gap, and I outside my house with Miguel behind me. He walked me up the stairs into my room where my mother and sister were hanging out because my room has my computer. (Awkward moment right there. But my drunk self could care less! I just went straight to bed.)
While in bed though, I was still crying my eyes out, and Miguel was dumbfounded by my sudden breakdown. He couldn't explain it to my mum. I remember crying and saying "Sorry!" over and over again. After that, I just fell asleep.
The following day, I had the worst hang over I have ever had! My new best friend was my toilet bowl.
So after that very long narrative of my boring drunk life, here is my Ben's 10 List:
1. Obviously number one would have to be getting drunk! Mitch and I believe being drunk is an after thought. You can never really tell if you are drunk until the next day. I mean people could say that you were drunk while you are still drinking, but you can't really say you are drunk until after the fact. So being drunk is totally an after thought.
2. Drunk talking. I become very talkative about random nonsense when I get drunk. I even start talking in a awesome British accent. Or maybe I just think its awesome when I am drunk. For all I know I could be talking with a slur. hahaha
3. Next to drunk talking would be drunk confessions. I am an expert liar. I can make anyone believe what I am saying is true. But when I am drunk, that is when the truth comes out. This happened in the previous story with a friend in regards to my break down. Yikes!
4. Drunk texting and drunk phone calls. Me being drunk with my cell phone is not a good idea. Good thing Miguel had my phone for most of the night. When I have my phone and I am drunk, I will text anyone and everyone saved in my phone's contacts regarding random useless things like "Where ase you?" or "I'm drunkzzz" or "Hey! Guess what I m? Drunkzzz" (Yes I actually text that way when I am drunk... 85% of the time, my spelling is spot on when I am drunk. Sometimes though, my finger gets heavy, it types a letter one to many times or I miss a button.) Drunk phone calls I can never really confirm what I would say, unlike texts where I can look up my sent items, but according to my officemate, Danee, I called her and said I drank 9 bottles of wine, vodka sprite and a whole lot of slurring.
5. Incriminating photos. Photos of me making funny faces; Of making out with people I shouldn't be making out with; Of doing things I wouldn't normally do; Of barfing up my insides while apologizing to my friends. Its a good thing that I am most often the photographer giving me full control of what is leaked and what isn't. Hahaha
6. The mocking that follows the leakage of incriminating photos that were unaccounted for. Though I do try to make sure I don't get caught doing something I shouldn't, every now and then, a photo gets past me, and I find it on some social networking site like Multiply or Facebook. Cue mocking from friends and officemates for 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes for the rest of my life. hahaha
7. The memory gaps. I like knowing things. I like knowing what happens to me. But for some reason alcohol has a way of wiping my memory banks clean. If anything does get past the memory wipe, they are just hazy blurs that don't really make sense. It doesn't help if my friends tell me that I did something that I know I didn't do... or at least I am pretty sure that I didn't... I mean I wouldn't... I couldn't... Impossible. Thats not me...
8. The temporary loss of taste. After I get drunk, of course I want to eat something to fill in the food that I barfed up. But it doesn't really make it that much fun when I can't taste anything. Or if I do taste something, it just makes me want to barf some more.
9. The hangover symptoms. This includes headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dysphoria and thirst. I remember spending the whole day after my drunken night putting all my effort into not throwing up. Gross!
10. This last reason is mainly a perceptive reason. I don't want people to think I am a drunk. And I don't want people to take advantage of me when I am drunk. Not cool in anyway at all. So I try to avoid getting drunk. Now tipsy... I can live with that... hahaha...
*End note: Notice the list is entitled "10 Reasons Why I Don't Want to Drink Again." Emphasis on the Don't Want. Just because I said I don't want to, doesn't mean I wont drink again. Hahaha. Trust me though. I am only a social drinker. I am not an alcoholic. I don't drink to solve my problems. (Well maybe this one time, it was to solve a problem, which it sort of did in its own way...)
gate crashing purposes? ...