So here I am, in front of my office computer busting my brain, trying to think of todays Ben's (every other) Daily 10. I am currently sick with a cough and cold. Got wet from the rain in my previous post and now I am sick in this one... so my brain is a bit mushed.
Anyway, Danee, Mitch and I were talking about our article deadlines when Mitch gave me the idea for my next list. It took Mitch 10 hours to get into the zone. It took me 4 episodes of the Big Bang theory, an hour and something minutes of The Sister Act and about 7 trips to the refrigerator just to realize each time that there wasn't any food to eat, before I got into the zone. And Danee just waits for it. hahaha... (I laugh as I type that because I had to ask Danee what she does to get into the zone... Guess what she said... "Oh, you have to wait for it.")
So my list for today is:
1. They very typical and overly common: Social Networking Sites. Facebook and Yahoo! Messenger (though YM isn't really a site but rather a application.) I chat with people; I browse other peoples sites; and I comment on other peoples post (which most often are never noticed because I believe I am considered insignificant until needed. Well to all you people who never notice me, wait 'til I am famous and lets see who is considered insignificant then! *EVIL LAUGH!*)
2. Watch TV. TV passes the time -- I mean, it promotes creative thinking helping me get into the zone. Something small like a music video or a movie could spark the next idea needed for that amazing poster, or that awesome article. But come to think of it, I haven't watched TV for the past few days now. No wonder I have been stuck!
3. When there is nothing on TV, I resort to the next best thing -- DVD's! (FYI to certain people, I only buy original DVD's. I don't believe in buying pirated DVD's. Pirated DVD's shouldn't be bought. They should be borrowed, copied and returned. Hahaha... Just joking... Or am I? Hahaha.) Anyway, This works most especially when you are looking for a specific inspiration to jump start your creativity, because you can select something to watch which might be in line with what you are working on... Like for example, I have been working on this Motown Project for the last few days, so I watched Sister Act (not sure if all the music in Sister Act could be considered Motown, but the singing got me into the mood.)
4. Reading a Magazine. (I actually don't read magazines that much but rather look at the pictures) This is particularly helpful when I get stuck with a layout I am doing for the magazine I work at. It helps to get fresh ideas from other sources and trying to adapt them to what you are currently working on. Don't get me wrong. I don't copy, I just take the idea and adjust it to work with my own style. I usually read a magazine when I am on my "throne..." When I am dropping the kids off at the pool; laying an egg; laying down some cable; pushing one out; when the turtles head is out... (most of those came from my every creative seat mate, Danee... Thanks Dan!)
5. Another throne moment, reading a Book. Now this time, I actually do read it. Helpful when trying to write articles because it teaches you how to describe things better in a very interesting and creative way.
6. Reading/Looking at comic books, This one can contribute to the creative process, like writing or drawing, but I primarily read comics because they are awesome. Yes, I am a comic geek which can rival even the characters on The Big Bang Theory. I know almost everything about the Marvel and DC universe... Well, maybe not the most recent stuff because its been awhile since I bought comics, but the old stuff I know. My dad passed down his collection of comics to me, and I read them all the time. First edition of the original X-Men... I got it! Yeah! (Nerd!!!!)
7. Playing video games. Video games are just fun stress relievers because they take your mind off of the fact that its already 1am on a Tuesday morning and that your deadline was three days ago. You put all your concentration and effort into getting that Alchemist and Priest to level 99; Trying to kill those stupid brain eating zombies using plants that spit out peas; or trying to kill those stupid pigs using angry birds. I really hate those pigs. I hate the fact that they smile and mock me when I am unable to *POOF!* them into nothingness.
8. Drawing. When I hit a brain block and need to get into the zone, I draw. This usually ends up with me drawing something incomplete because I don't like how the eyes fit with the nose, or how the mouth doesn't set well with the eyes. or I draw an awesome hand, but can't find a body to connect to it. If you went to my house and ventured into my room, you would probably find a forest of incomplete drawings (forest in the sense that there are so many, and probably because I wasted so much paper which came from trees which probably made up a forest at one moment in time.)
9. I walk around, most often looking for something else to do (which usually leads me to the refrigerator multiple times with the same out come of me looking into the refrigerator, realizing there is nothing there worth eating and then walking around again until I find myself in front of the refrigerator restarting the cycle.) I am pretty sure other people do that, it is not just me. I am not alone. Don't act all superior! You do it too! I am sure of that! I wonder why we never learn though... Hmmm...
10. Last one on my list is talking or texting other people. By getting the insight of other people, it helps your mind see the situation from a different perspective and helps move the mind along with its creative process. Living proof that talking to others helps you get into the zone is this entire blog. I wouldn't have been able to get into the zone to write this blog if Danee, Mitch and I didn't talk about how to get into the zone in the first place! I love it how the last item on this list fits perfectly with the introduction!
So thats my Ben's (every other) Daily 10 list for today! Hope you are in the zone to read it.
*End note: I think there might actually be some other things that I do to procrastinate -- I mean to get into the zone... But I can't really think of them at the moment. Good thing too... because then it wouldn't be a Ben's 10 anymore, but rather a Ben's 12 or Ben's 15. I don't know. Whatever... This was a totally useless end note...
*2nd End Note: In addition, I am very good at procrastinating... It's just a good thing that I am also awesome at cramming! Its like college all over again! hahaha! Thesis paper: Started and finished in one day! Studying: started 10 minutes before the exam! The look of my friends face when they see I got a high grade: Priceless!
*3rd End Note: I still haven't come up with a catch phrase... I am not "in the zone" for that just yet!
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